The Foolproof Guide to Finding the Perfect Eyebrow Color

In the age of social media and selfies, are you sure you’re enhancing the right features to make your face stand out? If you rely on the standard answer revolving around the nose, skin, eyes and lips, then science has a surprise for you. A recent study of the University of Lethbridge in Canada has found that the perfect lush eyebrows is a woman’s most important facial feature since these hold the highest value in terms of making a lasting impression. Are you surprised?

Well, if you think about it, brows have recently become the rage among celebrities and their legions of followers. Think, for instance, of Cara Delavigne and the Kardashians. What’s becoming clear is that it’s not just the shape that’s important. Equally crucial is having the best eyebrow color to suit your features. Naturally, the importance celebrities place on beautiful eyebrows has inspired a general fascination and interest with how women can learn to pick the right eyebrow color for themselves.

If you aren’t blessed at birth with the perfect color for your arches, there are effective and easy ways to achieve your best brows. We’ve got you covered with these 4 tips to spot the perfect eyebrow color that suits your face.

For Blondes: Showcase Brows with Ash Tones

Photo courtesy of Kevin Schmitz via Unsplash

Women today are more confident in their liberty to transform their look effortlessly by shifting their eyebrow coloring, particularly the tone. Color and tone are especially important for blondes because it’s usually the case that their brows are less apparent. Blondes who fill their brows with the wrong color either end up with “non-existent” brows on flash photography or with harsh outcomes that look unnatural.

Revolve around the color ash blonde, then work your way through darker tones if it’s still not visible enough. It’s important, however, that you stay within the ashy tone. Also, remember to comb through your eyebrows using a spoolie brush. This will help you to better determine how ashy or dark you can go. Of course, blonde girls are not all the same in coloring and tone. So, knowing how to choose your brow color must rely on this rule: Always experiment by starting with ashy blonde tones so you’re always on track. It’s also important to start filling in your arches with light strokes so you won’t go overboard.

For Brunettes: Lighten Up the Dark

Photo courtesy of Neill Kumar via Unsplash

Recent Hollywood brow trends seem to favor brunettes because of all the craze about lush brows with a smidgen of light coloring. It is now about the right eyebrow color and contrast—not so much about shape—which means that you can go easy on the tweezers and plucking. Threading and waxing should also be re-considered since even a slight mishap can cause hair loss due to scars.

Generally speaking, for brunettes, going way too dark against your hair color can look grim. Brunettes look great when they take the edge out by softening the color with cool grey tones. Ever so slightly lightening your brows can make your face look warm and inviting. Using a pencil or brow powder in a shade that is little lighter than your hair color, fill in the sparseness and create a feathered look.

Cool grey tones tend to be the most flattering because they make the brows softer without departing from your natural look. Also, if your brows are already full but only needs a little lightening up, try eyebrow color dyes that follow the same tone principle. That way, you can save time from shading your brows every day.

For Redheads: Try a Hint of Copper

Photo courtesy of Christopher Campbell via Unsplash

Many redheads are confronted with the dilemma that comes along with eyebrow color since their natural hair color do not match their eyebrow. This means that for redheads matching their hair and brow color should not be the case. Doing so can make your brows look fake and unbalanced. The best brows for you are those enhanced with warm medium-brown tones. The color can add fullness and definition while adapting to the naturally golden hues of your auburn hair. However, eyebrow loss can be an issue when aiming for fully-defined eyebrows. Defy the eyebrow challenge with effective brow fillers and natural procedures.

For those with a red color that is more pumpkin than burgundy, you can try a hint of copper. This will be best suited in creating a more put together appearance. Also, avoid the mistake of going too bleached or platinum if you’re a redhead. This can be a “fashion” look, as seen on runways and magazines, but take it with a grain of salt because it may not be suitable for everyday life. Instead, go with warmer and coppery hues to make your eyebrows more visible and structured.

For Ravens: Match Black with Black


Black or raven-haired women must use dark shades that have no red in it. Some women from this brow group attempt to soften their color using red or warm tones, but this can appear jarring and discordant. Like brunettes, raven-haired women should experiment with grey tones. But what makes raven-haired women different is they can simply use black as their right eyebrow shade.

You’ve run out of brow gel? Here’s a fantastic tip: Use your old black mascara to color and tame your brows! It’s economical and actually more effective because of the color match. However, exercise caution if you’re fair-skinned and you lighten your hair. If that is the case, it’s best to go grey than black.

Going a little light in arch tone is also great for those who want to soften the lines that come with aging, bone structure, or genetics. Fine lines create shadows around the eye area. Lifting your brow color together with the right eyebrow shape for your face can lighten up your eyes and camouflage the appearance of lines. Hair loss treatments, such as eyebrow transplant, are also fabulous and effective ways to make the brows fuller and more youthful in the best shape possible.

Since eyebrow color can enhance your face and make it stand out makes it all the more important that you choose the right color. With this guide, shedding light on one of women’s common dilemmas on how to choose the right eyebrow color, you’re sure to look your best whatever your hair color. If shape took the spotlight before, now you know that focusing on the right eyebrow color can elevate your unique beauty.

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