There’s no doubt that a hair transplant—as well as variations of this procedure—is a pathway to a better, more confident you. To enjoy the benefits of hair restoration, proper attention to your new hair is a must. Thankfully, post operative care is not at all difficult after a thorough discussion with your surgeon.
Most people who have never had a hair transplant or are just about to have their first hair transplant are curious about its process. Often, people who visit NuHart Hair Restoration eagerly ask questions about what causes their hair loss and how they can find the right physician. And like you, they eventually become curious about the post-operation process, or what to do after your hair transplant.
For clients who want to have a detailed guide on what every hair transplant must do after the operation:
Ask Your Doctor and You Shall Receive
Because post-operative care is just as important as the procedure, it’s important to sit down with your physician and discuss the timeline after specific procedures. This will help determine, for example, just how soon you should go back to work.
As you’ve already learned, it is possible to go back to the daily grind a day after your hair transplant. The key idea to remember here is that your recovery is tied with the kind of procedure you have. However, even in other variations of the procedure, most clients can go back to work immediately in the time it takes for them to heal completely!

Photo from Mojpe on Pixabay.
For instance, it takes until days 10-14 post-procedure for the donor area to heal after NeoGrafting or FUE. On the other hand, stitches have mostly been removed at around ten days following Rapid Results (strip method). Nevertheless, most clients resurface in the working world the day after the procedure without any kind of repercussion.
Free Yourself from Post-Op Pain–for Free!
It is normal to feel some discomfort after your session. In particular, you may feel some soreness on your scalp three to four hours after the surgery. You may also experience some swelling in your T-zone, particularly the area around your eyes and across your nose.
Usually, either paracetamol or some Extra-Strength Tylenol would help ease the pain. But why worry about self-prescription? Thankfully, NuHart Hair Restoration has anticipated your post-procedure needs. With their free post-operation meds, you can ease your comfort without having to reach for your wallet or self-medicate.

Photo from gpalmisanoadm on Pixabay.
In addition, as the trusted hair transplant clinic in Manila, physicians at Nu/Hart are ready to take calls at the clinic 24/7, so you can be sure that you are in their excellent care before, during, and after the operation.
Prop Up Those Pillows
After your session, make sure to elevate your head on pillows as you sleep. In fact, it is best to sleep in a semi-upright position for at least three days immediately following the procedure. Again, although some swelling may occur, sleeping in this position may prevent that from happening.

Photo from SnapwireSnaps on Pixabay.
Lay Off the Tug of War
Although a hair transplantation is not considered as aggressive as other kinds of cosmetic surgery, you still need to take your post-op recovery seriously.

Photo from PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay.
For your after hair transplant care, you should definitely avoid pulling on any of your hair or tugging on it excessively, as your new hair is still extremely sensitive. Also, since your new hair hasn’t taken root yet, excessive tugging may lead to bleeding. Note, however, that some oozing is to be expected.
Shower with Care
Yes, your post-operation hair restoration allows you to hit the showers after your session. Just make sure that you rinse your head carefully with warm water. For now, forget about the usual commercial shampoos and settle for gentle ones instead.
When brushing, apply the same caution. Can’t wait to brush your new hair with vigor? You can do so in little over than a week—ten days after your procedure, to be exact. Remember, it’s important to wait until the grafts have taken root.

Photo from Jill111 on Pixabay.
Renew that New Look… In a Bit
One of the great things about having new, natural hair is you can now style it as you wish. Still, that new hair color or trendy haircut may have to wait some time as part of your after hair transplant care—but not for long. Again, 10 days after your procedure is the best time to have a haircut.

Photo from ambroochizafer on Pixabay.
In case you want to dye your hair, however, it’s best to wait up to four weeks.
Take It Easy on the Exercise
Although you may be eager to return to regular programming, it’s best that you avoid strenuous exercise during your post-operation hair restoration. For your first week, keep to limited exercise only, and wait from ten days to two weeks before you go back to your usual exercise routine.

Photo from White77 on Pixabay.
One good reason to avoid strenuous exercise is that you wouldn’t want to sweat too much as that increases the risk of infection. So for the time being, just relax and imagine how confident you’ll be when you hit the gym after you’ve made a complete recovery from your hair transplant.
Shut Out the Sunlight—For Now
Whenever you have to hit the outdoors on a sunny day, it’s best to wear a hat. By the time two weeks have rolled after your procedure, start using a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Remember, it’s important to decrease the likelihood of sweat after a hair transplant. In addition, exposure to direct sunlight may damage the newly transplanted hair, so keeping a fashionable fedora or a wide-brimmed beach hat is essential for your after hair transplant care.

Photo from hahanriji on Pixabay.
Don’t Sweat the Shedding
Sometimes, your original hair may start to shed after a hair transplant. There is no need to panic, however, as this is a natural stage of the recovery process, due to thermal shock. In time, new hair will grow out of the grafts that have been transplanted.
Best Hair, Best Care
Keep in mind as well that although the above are simple steps to recovery, it is still best to discuss any special instructions your physician may give you on what to do after your hair transplant. Revise the age-old adage and keep in mind that Doctor knows best. More importantly, always let your physician know what type of job you are in so that he can advise you on the best time for you to go back to work.
One necessary precaution in getting a hair transplant is making sure that you are in the right hands. Take note that a good surgeon is but one major component in a team, so it also helps to know that your hair surgeon has a medical staff that has been thoroughly trained and knows how to handle the latest technology when it comes to hair restoration procedures. For all your needs before, during, and after the procedure, NuHart Hair Restoration aims to take good care of you.
Remember, once you have had the hair transplant procedure and taken note of your physician’s prescriptions and advice, recovery is a breeze with the right amount of care and diligence.