What’s Best To Do With Receding Hairline?

Do male pattern baldness and receding hairline run in your family? Are you afraid of waking up one day and suddenly realizing that what used to be a lush, thick head of hair is now patches and thinning lines resting on your scalp? Receding hairline is a very common problem that middle-aged men and women tend to face. However, while it is a widely-known condition and often the subject of jokes and office banter, the public rarely takes time to talk about some of the more serious aspects of balding.

TIP #1: Be Open to Talk About the Issue
The first thing to do with a receding hairline is to actually talk about it—open to conversations surrounding the topic. Ask about the most common causes of this kind of hair loss. What does it indicate about your health? How can you address the condition should you feel the need to replenish your hairline? These are very real, very serious questions that a lot of men (and women) will have to confront at a certain point in their lives. If you are one of the people struggling with these queries at the moment, read on to find out the most important things you need to know about the condition and how to best treat a receding hairline. Remember: the first, most vital step to stopping male pattern baldness is talking about it.

TIP #2: Know Your Odds

Know Your Odds
Photo courtesy of Steven Leonti via Flickr, Creative Commons

One of the first things you need to know about hair loss is that it is a lot more common than you might think. According to WebMD, as much as 85% of men will experience thinning hair by the time they’re 50. That means that you have 3 in 4 chances to develop this condition. The same source declares that some men will even experience a significant amount of hair loss before the tender age of 21. It’s vital to know your odds even before the first sign of thinning or receding begins. Even as a young man, it’s important to be aware of whether or not baldness runs in your family. Did your father have it and his father before him? Knowing these facts will help you address the condition at the earliest onset.

TIP #3: Don’t Count Yourself Out

Don’t Count Yourself Out
Photo courtesy of liz west via Flickr, Creative Commons

Women are not safe from baldness and receding hairlines either. Though hair loss in men has traditionally been more common, hair loss in women can also occur especially if their genes predispose them to it. Based on all of these facts, one thing’s for sure: if you’re going through the process of a receding hairline right now, you are most definitely not alone. Nonetheless, you should be aware of other types of hair loss that can occur in aging women including baldness that run in the family.

TIP #4: Know the Different Causes

Know the Different Causes
Photo courtesy of shankar s. via Flickr, Creative Commons

Though we’ve already mentioned that one of the most common causes of receding hairlines is genetics, it’s not always just about your DNA. What happens at every stage of male baldness is different for everyone and aside from hereditary origins, there are a lot of factors that can cause or contribute to your hair loss. For instance, hormonal imbalances such as telogen effluvium can also add significantly to the rate at which you lose your hair. Diseases like alopecia are obviously another major cause of baldness, as well as more extreme medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. The point is, although some people are just genetically more likely to get a receding hairline, it can also be an effect of your environment or your lifestyle. The best way to discover cures and antidotes is to pinpoint the cause of a disease or condition. The same goes for the case of receding hairlines.

TIP #5: Get Yourself Checked Up!

Get Yourself Checked Up

Precisely because hair loss has already been proven to be something than can be acquired, it can also be symptomatic of more serious things that go on in your body. While we’ve been referring to this condition as something extremely common, that doesn’t mean you should ignore your hair loss or take it for granted. A receding hairline can also be a sign of a bigger health problem like nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, anemia, retrovirus infections, and eating disorders or worse—your receding hairline may be a sign of cancer already. For instance, Charnita M. Zeigler-Johnson, Ph.D, states that “men getting bald before the age of 30 are more likely to get “clinically significant” prostate cancer before the age of 60.” Some people might think that obsessing over your thinning hair might be a sign of vanity, but on the contrary, it might just be an important gateway towards understanding your health. Don’t overlook it! If your newly receding hairline is occurring with symptoms related to any of these mentioned diseases and conditions, schedule a trip to your most trusted physician as soon as possible.

TIP #6: Don’t Worry; It’s not the End of the World.
Despite the rather serious note, you also have to know that getting a receding hairline is most certainly not the end of the world. If your thinning hair is getting you down, don’t worry! It’s a condition that, thanks to modern advancements and cultural acceptance, is completely treatable. Do a little bit of research over the Internet or with the help of your doctor to find out which hair restoration possibilities might be best for you.

TIP #7: Choose Your Treatments Wisely.
Unlike in the past, finding out how to stop a receding hairline is not uncharted territory anymore. In fact, there are a lot of topical hair loss treatments which are now widely distributed to help you grow that lush mane back. However, be warned! Many of these over the counter serums, hair lotions, and oils are not exactly tried and tested. When in doubt, consult your dermatologist before slathering anything on your scalp.

TIP #8: Invest on a Hair Transplant.
If you do want to engage in a very tried and very tested method of rejuvenating your hairline, look into making a lasting investment on a hair transplant procedure. As NuHart stated, investing in a hair transplant is not about the moment. It’s about making an investment for your future. It’s been proven that replenishing thinning hair for both men and women can have extremely positive effects in the investor’s quality of life. It rebuilds the individual’s confidence so that he or she is able to socialize again more exuberantly with peers and approach professional and personal relationships with a can-do attitude.

TIP #9: It Can be Stopped! Take the Leap Towards a Transplant.

Take the Leap
Photo courtesy of ellyn. via Flickr, Creative Commons

Remember that while receding hairlines can affect virtually anyone, everyone is also eligible to avail of this revolutionary option of reversing the process permanently and effectively. Who has the time to experiment with serums and treatments with no guarantees? Invest on a hair transplantation procedure and surely get rid of that receding hairline for good.

Now that you have been given tips alongside facts about receding hairline, it’s up to you to make the commitment to stop the damage. Remember that giving attention to such condition is not just vanity, it is necessary as hair loss may be a sign of other health problems, too. There are already a lot of modern options that allow you to understand and treat receding hairline. You just have to take the leap and choose the best treatment from trusted professionals who will get the job done.

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